Tag Archives: Packaging

Maintenance Procedure Optimization: A Practical Case of Welding Bar Replacement in the Packaging Industry.

On February 29th, during the Machine Builder X event, we presented and demonstrated, through a live show, the process of replacing a welding bar using 40Factory Industrial IoT, GenAI, and VR technologies. In this article, we want to tell you the story that our audience experienced live. The main key players are: Get comfortable… The […]

Interacting with the machine and resolving an efficiency drop: a real case from the packaging industry

On February 29th, during the Machine Builder X event, we demonstrated through a live show how to solve an efficiency issue on an automatic machine using the Industrial IoT, GenAI, and VR technologies by 40Factory. In this article, we tell you the story that our audience experienced live. The main key players are: 3, 2, […]

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